Spa Factory Bali™

A Pioneer in Bali's contract manufacturing for natural cosmetics.

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Spa Factory Bali
Professional, Traceable, Sustainable-Focused, High Quality Bali Contract Manufacturer
Spa Factory Bali™

Spa Factory Bali is a renowned, professional contract manufacturer in Bali with a production facility that complies with Good Manufacture Practice standards. As an established, constantly improving contract manufacturer, we develop unique, requested products for our clientele. We manufacture various products in the cosmetic category. This ranges from professional spa products, personal care, wellness products and beauty skincare. The service develops new formulas or modify pre-existing high-quality product base on each client’s requirements.

Spa Factory Bali is the optimal choice for a company who decides to launch a new product line and may not have the fundamental materials to produce it autogenously as it may incur in overpriced production or a lack of business foresight in understanding the risk. In this process, products are made over a mutually agreed period of time and feasible for businesses who want a steady, reliable source as a limited part of their manufacturing process.
Proses Produksi Spa Factory Bali
Decoration Flower
Our Products
We are open to partner with brands/companies who are searching for a certified chemist to help with product development and production for:
Spa Factory Bali has earned a Fully Certified GMP (Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practice) under BPOM (Indonesian Agency of Drug & Food Control), Halal under MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) and ISO 9001:2015 for quality assurance. We are also a member of RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil).
mutu certification international
BPOM: B-PW. - 1403
mutu certification international
mutu certification international
mutu certification international
RSPO: 9-4991-23-000-00
Our ultimate resources, combined with an esteemed development team works collaboratively with our clients to manufacture existing formulations or to create new products that satisfy the customer and advance the competitive edge.
Partner with Brands in Creating Premium Natural Cosmetics
Integrating local wisdom & utilizing Indonesian active ingredients are our main focus, thus creating brilliant, natural synergies in every product that we created.

We partner with brands and create natural cosmetics that are clean, safe and effective, especially for customers who value eco-friendliness and wellness. From our roots in spa products, we are here to help you build your own proprietary natural formulas. Our manufacturing experience of over two decades are at your disposal. Simply bring your ideas and talk to us, and we will bring chemistry aptitude, resources and manufacturing process to bring your ideas to fruition.
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